
2020-12-29 10:45发布

最适合幼儿日语颇儿歌儿歌是相伴每一位小澎乐度过童年的好伙伴, 可以让小糯粗丁⒒独趾兔蜗搿HЭ朴⒂镒噬钣锥⒂锝萄ё胰衔 它在绘本中融入幼儿日语教学内容,可以使学生在夷熏陶下,开 浦潜能和智力潜能,同时学习日语句子,加达词汇量,在 语语感,提高日语语言表达能力。下面,取编就为撮绍一下 适合幼儿日语学习的童谣哦。 Hokey Pokey It's time for the hokey pokey here we go You put head in You put head out You put head in and you wiggle wiggle wiggle You do the hokey pokey spin around clap clap clap clap You put your ears in You put ears out you put your ears in and wiggle wiggle wiggle You do the hokey pokey spin around clap clap clap clap You do the hokey pokey hands up hands downDo the hokey pokey hands in front and hands behind Jump in jump out jump in and wiggle wiggle wiggle You do the hokey pokey spin around clap clap clap clap You put hands in You put hands out You put hands in and wiggle wiggle wiggle You do the hokey pokey spin around clap clap clap clap You do the hokey pokey hands up hands down Do the hokey pokey pokey pokey hands in front and hands behind You put your knees in You put knees out You put knees in and wiggle wiggle wiggle You do the hokey pokey spin around clap clap clap clap Ok now sit down You put feet in You put feet out You put feet in and wiggle wiggle wiggle You do the hokey pokey spin around clap clap clap clapYou do the hokey pokey hands up hands down Do the hokey pokey pokey pokey hands in front and hands behind You do the hokey pokey pokey pokey hands up hands down Do the hokey pokey pokey pokey cause that's what its all about 每当在任堂上要谱 Hokey Pokey 歌曲时,小徘都异 常兴奋,很多学生跟父母第一次听这首儿童日语歌曲时,在曲风欢快 的疑动中,每一位家长和儿子却手臂又显出持的光芒。
1楼 · 2020-12-29 11:37.采纳回答
2楼-- · 2020-12-29 11:14

3楼-- · 2020-12-29 11:15
少儿在线日语平台我给大家推荐这个友达日语,大家有时间可以带孩子去体验一下,这是我对比过的少儿在线日语学习平台里性价比最高的一家,而且他家的老师都是比较认真负责的,教学经验也很丰富,在教孩子方面比较擅长,至少给我孩子安排的几名老师都是不错的,不过我个人还是建议要带孩子去体验了解一下更好,希望对大家有帮助吧!试听课链接: 点击领取:【www.youda.com.cn】 】。他们家的试听课是免费领取的。
4楼-- · 2020-12-29 11:24

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